Sunday, March 9

spring cleaning time. and for those of you that have had the pleasure of living with me, you know that spring cleaning time, in general, doesn't ever really come. but spring cleaning time came today, as i dusted and vacuumed and generally straightened things up. i figure it's a year until i clean again.

i had a great surprise yesterday afternoon, flipping channels after northwestern's disappointing loss. as i was making the generally fruitless 8 (abc affiliate) to 30 (e!) flip, i came across channel 22, wgn, and the soothing pipes of steve stone and, it's true, it's time for cubs baseball again. cubs-sox. chip with stoney in the booth, and i learned more about baseball in 17 seconds of steve stone than i did in two years of joe carter. should be a great year, only because the television broadcast will be downright educational.

you may have seen a post from my friend dan unstadt in the 'shout out' section (comments welcome. i feel lame having no shout outs. this means you e-chen) regarding a white stripes interview. here's a real interesting statement jack white made, regarding political activism: "When I was a teenager, I was really into voicing my political opinions. But I could never see anything coming from it. The people who were organizing the rallies and everything, I started to notice that they lived for dissatisfaction. And that is not me."

whether or not you disagree with the sentiment that nothing comes from activism, i think the 'lived for dissatisfaction' thing is way observant. as a great man once wrote, 'but for now we are young, let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see.'