Saturday, May 17

bus story two: trainer doing crossword puzzle today. he says "'kind of bean' ends with an 'a'. it's not lima." i say 'fava.'

trainer gets angry at me for some reason, i'm not quite sure, before discounting the mere possibility that it could be fava. (at which point i'm thinking, are there really any other four-letter beans that end in an 'a'.)

at this point, floyd interjects: "if it's fava i'll (expletive deleted) on the floor." to which i say "i'm holding you to that."

flash forward three or four minutes, when trainer says "joseph conrad novella." to which i say, without hesitation, "heart of darkness." to which he says, "heart. of. da.....i think it is."

flash forward 30 seconds, when trainer says, "oh (expletive deleted), i think it is fava." to which i giggle.

to which floyd says, "i'm working on those turds." and then i went to sleep.