Tuesday, July 8

i'd just like to state that i think dave letterman (or his producer) is an absolute genius.

today, from the man who brought us bits such as "know your cuts of meat" and "will it float?" and "is this anything?" and "who wants to hang up on regis?"...

and segments such as "george bush joke that's not really a joke of the day" and "words of wisdom with dr. phil" came something new, and something [arguably] better...

millionaire or kenny?

in this game (viewed by yours truly in rerun format), dave and paul are presented with a person. i'm assuming a generally unassuming person (tonight's person was certainly unassuming). and they discuss the person and decide whether he's a millionaire, or a gentleman named kenny.

it's quite honestly, at least in theory, genius. in execution, it was fair.