Monday, August 4

today marked my least productive rainout day ever. ever.

sunday game scheduled for 1...bus at 9:30. I'm out of the room at 9:15, and am told that the bus is now at 10. so i do a bit of work, and get out of the room at 9:50.

right after the national anthem, this gigantic storm comes to town. pouring. lots of it. and thunder too. so the game's called at 2, and i got out of the booth by 215 and we're back at the hotel by 245.

i'm pumped - - - cubs are on wgn, and i'll get the rare opportunity to watch them. i spend the next hour doing some minor league baseball-related minutiae, all the while flipping constantly back to wgn to see if the cubs are on. rain delay there too. i also give melissa a call, as we've left messages for two weeks. i leave a message.

so finally, around 4:30, the cubs in action. and boom. i'm asleep. until 7:15. (i'll later find out that i also slept through a 'come to dinner with us' phone call.) i'm not hungry, so i decide against going to dinner at the moment. (at this point, it gets foggy.) i think i fall asleep again. until 9:30.
i wake up to see that i've missed a melissa callback, and we finally make that connection and put in our half-hour of conversation. so now it's 10:30. and i go to get some animal crackers for dinner from the vending machine. and i watch sportscenter for a bit and then ben adler calls needing career advice or something.

and, about 24 failed internet connections and a check of fantasy baseball results later, here it is 2:30 and i'm not really tired owing to the five straight hours of sleep this afternoon.

and all i've noticed is this: vh-1's insomniac music theater has used the same playlist (which it always does), but has kept it in the exact same order for the past two days. no joke. (exception: last night was pink's "get this party started." today's it's "don't let me get me.")

check ya later.