Monday, September 8

the bears were awful today. just awful. unwatchable awful. back-to-2000 awful. it should be a fun, fun season to watch. i know today wasn't his fault, but i just don't understand how john shoop still has a job. it's a fact that he's an idiot.

(also an idiot: tom thayer. owing to the fact that vikes-packers was still on fox locally, i listened to the first four minutes (and no more, gracias a dios) of the game on radio, and noticed that thayer insisted upon pronouncing any mildly difficult name completely incorrectly. prime examples: he pronounced terrell owens' name (correct: TAIR-ill) "terr-ELL" every time he referred to him, and insisted upon using the incorrect emphasis on the illustrious ahmad merritt's (correct: a-MAHD) name, referring to him as "AH-mid." even hub got those names right. and joniak was unlistenable and idiotic, per the normal.)

perhaps more importantly (only because nothing's really expected of the bank one bears this season anyway), willie's destroyers are bad, bad, bad. (willie's destroyers are my fantasy team.) it appears that the receivers (toomer and stallworth), defense (tennessee), and kicker (janikowski) should be good. so should my top running back (ah-MAN green). my tight end (sleeper choice billy miller) is alright. but my quarterbacks (holcomb and kordell) and number two running back (ladell betts) should prove horriffic. i was spanked today.

in other news, yesterday brought long-awaited conversation with the madison-bound (and redhothalos mega-fan...who knew?) steve weissfuck. congrats to steve. today brought the illustrious deedz, six hours ahead of schedule. it also brought embarrassment when i called the old phone number of old roomie ben: a male voice said "hello," i responded with "hellllooooo hahhhhhh-perrr," the male voice followed with "pardon me?" and i responded by hanging up.

and now i've downloaded cool edit pro, so i'm half-way to my bedroom pop masterpiece. all that's left is learning to play an instrument, and mastering my evocative speak-sing.