after a frustrating week - a monitor flameout on wednesday night shot any chance i had of getting any demo cd's out on thursday morning - i sent out 56 this afternoon and am working on another 12 or so this evening.
and then it's off to glenview/etown/wherever for the cats-badgers, which has potential to be interesting. (i always say that...i'm usually wrong.)
i'm not quite sure what's planned, although i'm sensing the word 'whirlwind' will come up at some point.
another trip into chicago - for the dropsy debut - comes the following week. that's not yet official, i don't think. my brother gets to see world series game six tomorrow. bitchin.
in other news, i've always liked that first shins record, but i've never loved it. however, based on universally positive reviews, i have purchased the latest, chutes too narrow. it's similarly pleasing, although i don't know if it's great. the album artwork - some sort of pop-up book in a sleeve - is great.
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