Friday, March 25

so i'm watching hoops and getting ready for my fantasy baseball draft (nerd!), and i came across this fascinating competition the san francisco giants are running with yahoo. it's an absolutely silly contest, involving five trivia questions (which i aced) and 150-word essay about which two mlb teams (outside of the giants) made the best offseason moves. my answer: tampa (by doing nothing, they've made great strides) and st. louis (take the bull by the horns and go for it, ergo mulder).

so then they do the judging, and the top 12 entrants (based on five correct trivia questions and a good essay), enter in a yahoo fantasy baseball league that starts sometime in early october. and then the winner gets the title of Special Assistant, Baseball Operations for a one-year term in the San Francisco organization.

i'm not going to say i'm qualified, but i'm probably more qualified (or, at least, have more quality experience) than the average entrant. i haven't, however, determined if i'm eligible.

i can't imagine i'll win, what with my half-assed answer, but it was fun to enter. and now i've got to get ready for my draft. i like pujols. he's good.