Tuesday, March 1

well, the trip to the eye doctor (opthamologist) was mostly uneventful. i left work at about 120, then headed home for some lunch, then headed towards the doctor's office. appointment at 230, i planned to get there at about 210, and i was armed with my current book as well as my medical insurance information.

so i pulled into the parking lot at about 210, and then, of course, realized that the complex was huge. and then realized that i had forgotten the specific information on where my doctor's office was located (suite 124...medical building 2). so, i inevitably walked into the wrong building, but i asked an employee-looking lady where building 2 was (not where i was), and she directed me there (down the hall, take a right, take a left, down the elevator...turns out that building 1, building 2, and the young building are all one building...)

so i found the office suite at about 220, and i was all set to go. book in hand, info sheet pre-filled out. "do you have your insurance papers?" "oh, man...they're in the car." so i went to get my insurance papers (down the hall, hang a right, up the elevator, right out of the elevator, right at the end, left to the parking lot.) so i returned with my insurance papers, she made the copy, and i sat down in the waiting room.

noticing, of course, that i had managed to leave the book in the car.

thankfully, i only had about 8 minutes with time magazine (and the entire waiting room collection was incredibly current). i read an interview with moby, who's got a restaurant he's proud of and an album for which he wrote 250 songs (most of them weren't very good, he said), and now he's got a book coming out ("i can't really describe it," he said. "it's drawings and recipes and sketches, and basically you can open it anywhere and be entertained." translated: "i'm already loaded, but my fans are mega-suckers. ha! but now i'm donating my money to vegan causes...or, my cribs-worthy apartment, anyway.")

in my first eye exam since march 02, my eyes had gotten significantly worse, although my keratoconus (woof!) of the right eye is about the same. meanwhile, he's diagnosed me with a mild case of kc (that's what those of us in the know call it) in the left eye. this means hard lenses in both eyes. he also wants me to get new glasses, but i probably won't. i've been living with these glasses for three years, and the previous pair lasted more than six.

most interesting thing i learned: those with keratoconus are called...



keratoconics !!

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cats-spartans tomorrow. senior day. i think it's a bar-worthy game, although i've determined that michigan state is the impossible journey for a northwestern team. (of course, we beat the richardson-less sparty in 2000, so anything's possible.) i hate maurice ager.

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the score in chicago reported that the next collective bargaining agreement in the nba will have the same eligibility rules for young players as the nfl. that rule, which was challenged and upheld last spring, dictates that a player is not eligible to be drafted until three years after his high school class graduates. i'll have thoughts on this later.