Thursday, July 10

many people who attended the medill school of journalism, one of the alleged finest such schools in the country, do so because they want to be on tv or because they want to be sportswriters. a smaller percentage actually believe in the importance of news, and the importance of delivering news fairly and properly. i certainly did not reside in the latter category - - i often did poorly on our fourth grade-styled current events quizzes.

based on this, i'm not a person who (in the one election i've experienced) tends to be interested in pre-presidential politics. primaries, schrimaries, i say...gimme my two options already.

however, lemme say that i'm quite intrigued. there's this dude, you've perhaps heard of him, who is downright fascinating. his name's howard dean, governor of vermont, and he's gone from democratic dark horse to not-dark horse, due largely to his web site, a fundraising magnet.

anyway, this dean character's opened some sort of fundraising/campaigning office a block from my apartment, and his platform fascinates. anybody who's 'radical' enough to support things such as universal health care and repealing recent tax cuts is fine by me.

come september, i might have a new hobby.