Saturday, February 7

pure and utter domination on the part of the wildcats this afternoon, as northwestern blows out wisconsin. the number 11 team in the nation goes down in evanston, and all is well in the world.

in other news, i've been in this awful holding pattern for the past 60 hours. i had thought that i'd learn all i wanted to know about my future on thursday, and then i thought it would be friday, and now i'm stuck dealing with an ulcer all weekend long. calls will be made on monday, be they made by me or by them. cryptic, eh?

last night took me to the haus, in search of good times and free drinks. i only accomplished the former.

[aside: about 12:30 last night, some visibly drunk man joined co-workers and i at our table. i introduced myself, he said 'i'm derek.' i said 'like derek and the dominoes?' he said yes. as we spoke more, it turns out that he was the son of hippie parents who were also gigantic clapton fans. it turns out that 'derek' was actually named 'deric,' and was named after both versions of the clapton name. wild.]

tonight perhaps involves watching the irish hopefully not getting spanked by the panthers, followed by saturday night live, featuring somebody i've not heard of and musical guest clay aiken. sleep is good.