Wednesday, January 19

things that should never be canned and eaten, number 42

today, i ate canned asparagus. it was about the worst thing i've ever eaten. mushy and ... really mushy. and pretty much tasted like asparagus, which i don't particularly like anyway.

however, i can't imagine that anybody who had ever eaten - and mildly enjoyed - fresh asparagus could possibly enjoy the canned stuff.

i don't usually purchase canned items...i'm generally a fresh or frozen kind of guy. thankfully, i only purchased one can of asparagus. eww.

pretty impressive january record release schedule. i'll definitely be purchasing the new ...and you will know us by the trail of dead record, worlds apart on tuesday. i don't know what my plan will be with the dual bright eyes releases, digital ash in a digital urn and i'm wide awake, it's motion sickness. i'll probably just go with the latter one, if any, as i believe the former features conor's electronic noodling.

'cut your hair' was vh-1's college rock hit of 1994. primus (1993) and ween (1992) have also been featured. i forget '95's, and have not seen 1990.