Monday, August 29

gurs and s came into town saturday, driving three hours here to spend about eight hours in the qca and then four additional hours with yours truly before a nine a.m. departure sunday morning. troopers, they are.

while a dbnacol or a em-dub appearance would have been nice, it's clear that the dynamic duo was the ideal company. mac's was fine (and cheap) as always, although it was much louder than usual. we were also below a speaker. mac's is incredible in that one of those six or so booths at the front is always available, no matter the time. fantastic.

and then it hit about 215, and we were home, and i didn't shut up for the next 90 minutes. such is the excitement level, i guess. looking forward to fall/winter opportunities.

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on a somewhat related note, intern's parents were in town for the weekend, in what was a presumably not-spontaneous visit. today at about 1 in the afternoon, i was very kindly and very thoughtfully invited to join them for dinner. i thought about it and, about an hour later (head slightly pulsing but, more importantly, me simply being pretty tired), i declined.

i felt a bit rude about it but, being that the visit was presumably not-spontaneous, wouldn't it have been preferable for him to ask a few days in advance? i think that would have made sense.

what's odder is that i've now been invited to join them for dinner when i'm back in the 'burbs. but, really, after a cats game or something? doubtful, but a tentative 'down the road' date has been made. the plan is to at least stay in some contact with the intern, so i'd jump at the free meal.

(in related news, s mentioned that the interns parents said fantastic and gracious things about me. i think i gave her a 'genuinely happy' smile when i was told this.)

i guess there's not really much going on. back-to-back off days to start the week, a rainout on thursday, a single game on friday during which i was not on air, a doubleheader on saturday, a standard game today. my total pxp over the last seven days: 23 innings. (wednesday was a 3-3-3 intern split, friday was 0 [by choice] for me, saturday was a pair of 2-3-2 splits, today was a 3-3-3 split.) wow. i've never had a 23-inning day, but i've certainly have 23-inning 24-hour periods. odd.

looking forward to the final week, and sort of looking forward to the possible playoff run. more looking forward to cats-bobcats at some bar in michigan on saturday, i think.