Thursday, November 3

few things are more difficult for a broadcaster than trying to cull "the best" from five months' worth of work. think about that: 140 games=about 400 hours on air. just about everything (actually, nothing between mid-may and mid-june, due to technology "issues") is committed to minidisc.

and now i've got to find my best 15 minutes. seriously. 15 minutes.

a few highlights. a few half-innings. and about 30 hours of listening to discover those elusive 15 minutes.

"keep them wanting more" is the theory here.

now, it makes it a bit easier because about 40 percent of my broadcasts are ruined by my squeaky-voiced, me-imitating, knowledge-lacking broadcast partner. easier because, once i hear his voice, i can skip to the next broadcast. of course, more annoying because i don't know what nice highlights might be ruined by his squeaking, or his inane post-play commentary.


wish me luck...i'm about two months behind. or, at least, three solid weeks behind. there's an opening i haven't pounced on, due mostly to sloth.

sigh, again.

(note: "technical issues" means that my broadcast partner broke my mini disc player. eventually, the fact that it was a two-month old player still under warranty meant that it was replaced. however, this took about six weeks.)

i most particularly did not like my broadcast partner for his marble-mouthed nature: "bottom th'elevense." (that means "bottom of the eleventh." he had incredible difficulty saying the letter "s," which should be an easy one to say, right?)

moral of the story: if you need to look really hard for good broadcast work, you're probably in the wrong business. sigh, a third time.