Monday, February 23

three crucial things:

1) my big fat obnoxious fiance has its finale tomorrow. appointment viewing, and i mean it. riveting.

2) i've got jury duty tomorrow. nemo suggests getting drunk beforehand, but i don't think i'm capable of being drunk by 8 a.m. i served on a trial two summers 51 dollars for two-and-a-half days and everything...but now i've got real work. hopefully i'll be undesirable enough to get sent away at some point.

3) i played in my second mascot hockey game with the quad city mallards today, once again playing the inimitable rookie the raccoon. today's game was a mediocre one, with my team, led by ima duck, losing to the other team, led by mo mallard.

the highlight was, for the second straight year, the brawl i was involved in. you may recall that, last year, i was attacked by mo (who, incidentally, was my own captain). this year, i instigated, and instigated a good one. i shove. he shoves. he tries to hook my leg. i avoid it. i shove again. we circle. we circle. more shoving. more circling. eventually mo's teammate comes to my aid. mo and i start punching. mo's teammate shoves me down. as i'm going down, my head pops off.

it's only off for a few moments, enough to draw a few laughs, but not enough to get much attention. i get it on quickly, go into some convulsions, jump on mo (who's somehow gone down), and resume the game.

life is good.

donate to wnur phoneathon. i've got a t-shirt and a neko case cd coming.