Friday, April 8

Okay…I’ve posted this twice and I’m having problems getting it on and I’m just really really hoping that the machine for some reason isn’t trying to make it so that my utter happiness at the conclusion of this day calms down a little. That didn’t make sense. (I’m now typing in word, so I’ll have autocorrects that I wouldn’t normally have, and I hope you don’t mind.)

Anyway, a tremendous day. A tremendous opener. A snappy, well-played game on the field, and I think that my 2005 debut matched the quality of play. I didn’t have any lulls where there was nothing to say, I did a fairly good job of discussing the players histories while fitting in a bit of humor and some general description, although I was probably more on top of the nuts and bolts of gameplay than on the real ‘cream rises to the top’ portion, which is the setting of the scene and the addition of analysis and wittiness, within reason. Still, a strong broadcast, and one that I’m proud of.

It helped that the game was a very fine one, and that the other team carried a no-hitter into the eighth inning and that I did a good job of bring up ‘the last time’ for both franchises without making it sound forced. This is one of the worst habits of radio novices – having a stat, and wanting to mention it, and forcing it in awkwardly – I’ve developed the skill to not do this, and I’m proud of that. It also helped that I did know both teams well, as it was our new affiliate playing our old affiliate, who I followed very closely last season.

After receiving it yesterday and only testing at 1 am last night, I had trepidations about the new mini-disc player. But the sound was absolutely pristine, and the interview with the skipper was similarly fabulous. It does not have a key editing command that I assumed would be there in all ‘recorder’ mini discs (Nemo – no edit / divide command), but there seems to be an easy upload/download connection, and I think that, if I play with it, I’ll be able to really do it quickly in conjunction with the laptop that I carry with me anyway. I’ll try to learn that tactic soon, perhaps on 4/18.

I was generally very comfortable as one ‘of the team,’ and I didn’t feel apart or an individual or alone today. I felt comfortable making small talk in the clubhouse, which is really a step above where I had been in the past. I think the new affiliation helps – I may have developed a reputation for timidity and shyness, which probably would have been accurate when I was a vaguely intimidated and way overmatched and way underaged rookie back three years ago. But that reputation is gone, and I think that the staff respects the knowledge of the game and of the league that I’ve displayed, and I think the players respect my ‘veteran’ status and view me as an equal, or as someone worth talking to, which is above what it’s been in the past. I think that, while I’ve never been lonely or frustrated in my position in the past, I’ll probably become closer, personally and professionally, to this crew than to previous ones.

Of course, it’s just the opener, so who knows? Maybe I’m just delirious, which is possible.

Note: I achieved a longstanding (three years anyway) dream today when my music was used as bump backs. We’re talking two gbv cuts, and the futureheads, and pavement, and some spoon, and a lot of Lucinda, and some white stripes and a little xtc and, in a fabulous decision, the postal service. Dream accomplished.

Just a really really nice day. Started with the bus ride and some shuteye. Continued with some phone calls to the office to try to tie up some loose ends. Then I was on with aol service people to make sure that my connection would work. Then I went to the yard and did my pregame and did a solid on-air job, then the reporters who came to the game wrote in my hotel room and then we had a beer afterwards. Good to be back, yknow?

Following up on yesterday…
Because we were playing an old affiliate, I do know the coaching staff (three) and some players (surprisingly, only three), and so I did my jump in the clubhouse and say hello and make some small talk (ten minutes with ‘luke’ and the skipper, five with a backup IF’er and rudy, and one with an outfielder). Anyway, four of the five people that I talked to made definite ‘have you lost weight?’ comments and, after telling them how gay it was to ask me that, I said yes. In fact, the skipper came in while I was writing down his lineup in the clubhouse, he said something to the team, then he looked at me, got a good look, and walked past, then I walked in to say hello, then he said ‘is that you?’ it was a bit gay, but very satisfying as well.

Also, due to my hurried schedule and the lack of eating yesterday, the official number hit 34.5 pounds as of this morning before I hit the bus. It’s tough to maintain, but I think I can.

However, not annoying enough to ruin a fabulous, fabulous day. Lots of work remains, but this was absolutely invigorating. I’ve got a few hours of editing to do still tonight, but I’m cranking on adrenaline anyway.

“Play ball!” Never have there been finer words!