cats were bad. very bad. tonight. sigh. and my tv does not properly receive espn2 [or abc, for that matter], which can be frustrating during programs aired on these two stations. perhaps i'll call the cable company. it's a thought, anyway.
i was reading music magazines at borders yesterday [i sure love year-end issues], or perhaps the day before, and i came across a few things that frustrated me. avril lavigne gloats about how she's great [by the way, she rules] because she sings and plays guitar. hey babe, i saw you on letterman [leno, maybe?], and i can assure you that you were not playing guitar. and i don't think i'd call your wallowing 'singing.' [michelle branch, also on the talk show circuit, can wail. baby got pipes.]. also, avril declared 'white blood cells' her favorite record of the year. great record, wrong year, baby. try july 2001, or something, when you were merely a twinkle in your producer and fashion designer's collective eye. [for the record, 'complicated' rules.]
also, some magazine ranked 'The beginning stages of..." by The Polyphonic Spree on its top 50 list, or whatever. Again, wrong year, baby. I have trouble calling this a 2002 release, when it was first distributed during holidays 2000, available when i saw them in may 2001, and certainly available when i ordered it later that summer. i guess it received 'official,' which means 'with jewel box and cover art as opposed to a sleeve with a hand-pasted, poorly rendered, photoshop printout of the band' release in 2002, but...
Isn't that sort of like putting the Hives, who released Veni Vedi Vicious in 2000, on the best of 2002 list? Is that wrong?
I don't know.
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