Monday, December 16

this post will perhaps reveal how lame I am. but i'll be strong and just let it out.

oftentimes, The Sports Guy, page 2 columnist, will make reference to how he reads and responds to every single email he gets. he's, i'd guess, an insanely popular columnist [he writes like a normal guy, as the name would indicate.] anyway, i've emailed him twice, never getting a response.

Gene Wojciechowski, another columnist for, is also pretty popular, i'd guess. he's funny, he makes interesting observations about college football. he never brags about his email-response capability. well, reading a comment he made in today's Big Man on Campus column--"At least Jill [Arrington] never had a Dick Enberg-Dick Jauron TV moment. And if you watched the NFL playoffs last season on CBS, you know what we mean."

This is, of course, a reference to Bonnie Bernstein's excellent utterance, after Dick Enberg [was it Dick Stockton?] tossed it down to her for her halftime interview with Dick Jauron: "Thanks Dick. Well Dick. Wow! Two Dicks!..." Anyway, I read this column this morning, and I noticed the immediate error: the Two Dicks comment actually came during the Bears-Jaguars game, on CBS. The playoff game was on Fox. I watched the Wow! Two Dicks comment at home. I watched the playoff game in Evanston. My memory is vivid.

Anyway, I called him, via email, on the error, and he very quickly responded. With skepticism [he's sure he's correct], but he responded. Warms the cockles of my heart. At least he responds.

In other news, I've designed a beautiful top ten records of 2002, but I've had trouble posting both it and this page. we'll hope for the best. full effort tomorrow, i promise.