Sunday, June 1

it's difficult to describe how enjoyable sunday nights following home day games really are. we're talking a post-work nap that ends around six, and then four to eight hours to just do nothing in particular. there's not much time to do this in season.

today the post-work hours included a trip all the way up north to 53rd street for my bi-weekly "it's been two weeks since i blew money on another stupid cd and i've got time off on this lovely sunday night" trip. (apparently i've not been moved by the spirit to buy anything recently released...i considered cat power, and the jayhawks and, to an extent, the jicks or yo la tengo. today's purchase, basically on an impulse, was the cd reissue of gram parsons' gp and grievous angel albums. i'm listening at the moment.)

i think the most enjoyable part of this trip is the actual drive: the windows-down, music up, driving through residential areas with old men mowing lawns and children playing because its a summer evening portion of the adventure. it's very peaceful and pastoral, and i enjoy it a bit. (i also drove by a basketball court that is in a real nice location, and could become a destination point in the event that i purchase a basketball.)

the soundtrack for today's music-purchasing drive was provided by the immortal unstadt, and was entitled "smiles on a summer day." i don't quite understand the first selection on the mix, an alternate (and very choppy) version of wilco's "kamera," i believe a different mix than the more like the moon ep, although i could be wrong. another jaunty rocker, spoon's 'car radio,' follows. britt's voice is a big mood thing for me, so again, i'm puzzled. but then neko sings lead on "letter from an occupant," and then it's the too-somber-to-be-a-hit "july, july!" ('the blood flows down the drain!') by the decemberists, and we've hit stride, and then it's apparent that the immortal unstadt has picked a winner.