Tuesday, June 10

there's a certain type of character that's drawn to my chosen profession. in order to deal with some of the unique stresses of the job - the everydayness, the long hours on those every days - it helps to be the easygoing type, the type whose first instinct in the case of most everything is to laugh.

i find that the laughers, as opposed the ultra-pros, enjoy the minor league experience far more. (a colleague rundown: six laughers, three ultra-pros, three question marks)

yesterday we had a rain delay. fairly quickly, it became apparent that we would not be playing for a bit of time.

during this time, small talk between press box folks occurs. my colleague yesterday suggested that we go all trading spaces, and redecorate each other's booth. i suggested he remove the tacky 1997 all-star game button from his bulletin board. he suggested i get a different wood type for my desk. i suggested he get pink flamingos and a gazebo for the entry way. this conversation continued in this manner.

this afternoon, as i returned to my booth for the first time since last night, i found it locked. (this is a common occurence.) i went next door, to my colleague's booth. (he has a key.)

he said to me: "i locked your booth on purpose. i need to blindfold you first."

it was extremely funny.

[P.S. - Have you heard that Nas single? - it's a fairly old one... All the ghetto children in the chorus. So uplifting: "I know I can / be what I wanna be. / If I work hard and then, / I'll be where I wanna be."
whether it's true or not is a question. but what a sweet, sweet sentiment.]