Tuesday, April 11

A few brief thoughts:

- Congratulations to Nemo #2 (a reference to his ranking in the age, not cuteness, hierarchy), who will apparently lose to his younger brother by a mere 20 months.

I hear they're planning on having a Panamanian band. And when you're thinking about Panamanian bands, the vote has to be for either Julio and the Zuletas, or the El Caballo All Stars.

- The moment of truth is upon us. Vote for Guided by Voices' I Am a Scientist here. They're currently neck-and-neck with Tom Tom Club. The freakin' Tom Tom Club. I'll thank you later. Or perhaps you'll thank me later, for doing you do a good deed. (Also, there are opportunities to support Nirvana, and R.E.M., and XTC. Give yourself legitimacy here.)

- The "leaving town" thing hit me pretty hard today. The last four months have been about the best four months I can recall. It's one thing to leave friends and life comforts when you're obsessed - obsessed - with a "career;" it's quite another several years later, when you realize that there's more to life than your "career." But, then again, the prospect of a "career" is pretty cool, too. Ahh, life. 26 and disenchanted? 26 and life to go. Sing it, Sebastian.

- How do you celebrate 12 weeks of holing up in an office-cave, staring at a computer screen and speaking to nobody? (After all, it was supposed to be a two-week gig, for chrissakes!) With an hour-long lunch with four co-workers, including one to whom you had said a total of, well, less than ten words (not an exagerration), of course! Awkward attempts at small talk, then witnessing shop talk. It was truly, madly awesome, in its own way. And lunch was at Nevin's, and free. Score one for Rud.

- I watched Fever Pitch tonight. I want my 104 minutes back. Insincere and awful, but I knew that'd be the case before it was on. Ugh.