Tuesday, December 17

what i learned today: never let your guard down

today was a quiet day at the office. everybody else was off at this big ol' meeting and, myself being the official low man on the totem pole, I was asked to hold down the fort. knowing that nobody else would be there, i made today my own personal casual day, wearing my sorta-ratty red plaid shirt, tucked into a pair of khaki pants to make it seem less ratty. [standard dress is a shirt and tie.]

so this, of course, becomes the day that the tv guys want to come and interview us about a promotion. being the only one there, i handle the interview. but let me tell you folks, i looked silly on tv. ratty plaid shirt...shoulda been a tie. gadzooks.

so the moral of the story: never let your guard down. same situation tomorrow: i'll again not be wearing a tie. it's team polo shirt day.

what kind of person actually cares that north texas beat cincinnati in the new orleans bowl. and what kind of person is actually upset because of it. the kind of person who put two bucks here. curses.