Man, if a country singer ever applied to business school...
"I forgot to sign my transcript request form..."
I got that message at 5:10 today. I had faxed across a transcript request for the next choice on my list, the well-there's-a-week-until-the-deadline-but-they've-shown-they-want-me-and-I-should-get-in school. It's a great school, and I'd be lucky to wind up there. But I forgot to sign the document. This meant that I would have to return home, find the document, sign the document, return to the library, and fax the document.
"...and I didn't get into my first choice..."
Right. So I didn't get into NU. Between finding my transcript request form and returning to the call, I checked my email. And there it was, an update on my status and a word that a decision had been reached. And, after I dug up my login information and navigated to the proper page, I got the scanned letter - "It's not you, it's me," roughly. As I said to my mom, "Odds weren't good of me getting in, not because I'm unqualified, but because I'm a person." It's tough to get in, and I didn't, and it leaves me a little sad.
"...and I locked myself out of my house..."
Right. I locked myself out of my house. The keys were on the counter, not in my pocket. Thankfully, my phone was in my pocket. And maintenance was here in about 20 minutes. And it only cost 10 bucks, which goes straight to the maintenance guy. And he had ordered pizza for he and his wife, so it's like I bought him dinner. So that was nice.
"...and I forgot my iPod, too."
This is a minor thing. But after I got back in the apartment and found my keys, I headed back out to go to the library (four minutes one direction, via automobile) and then to the gym (one minute the other direction, via automobile). Well, halfway to the library, I realized that my iPod was on the counter. I went to the library, sent my fax, paid my two dollars, picked up a few New Yorkers and a few CDs, and stopped home to get my iPod, and went to the gym. I listened to Wilco's Summer Teeth. My run was fantastic.
The end.
Silver lining: I knew that my interview at NU didn't go well. I thought my interview in Hyde Park went well. My read on the first interview was correct. I hope my read on the second one was, as well.
Silver lining, Part 2: Baseball Prospectus arrived yesterday. I love Baseball Prospectus.
I hear from Michigan in two weeks. I have to write a new essay tomorrow night. I'm off to a good start. Three Bills, yes!